Effortlessly focus on your business and it's future

Sales & Revenue

Discover where to prioritize revenue sources.

Clients & New Members

Identify how clients are engaging with your business.

Classes & Utilization

Stats to help you optimize your class schedule.

Staff Statistics

See how each staff member contributes to your business.

Access data that matters

Information you need to make effective decisions

You’ll find answers to questions that are crucial to running a growing business.

  • How many leads are being converted to members?
  • Which Staff members bring in the most revenue for my business?
  • What classes are being utilized the most?
  • In what areas is my business growing and declining?
Comprehensive Report

Important analytics for a growing business.

Revenue Sources

Know where your revenue is coming from.

Staff Performance

See staff members performance by revenue.


Compare the previous time period and year.

Optimize Your Schedule

Discover what classes are utilized the most.

Track Prospects

Stay relevant and convert your new leads.

Studio Analytics Breakdown

Click on a feature card to preview what kind of data to expect:

Comprehensive Report

Important analytics for a growing business to the next level.

Revenue Sources

Know where your top revenue categories and how they are trending.

Track Demographics

Know your new clients in detail by age, gender and sales.


Compare the previous time period and year in detailed breakdowns.

Optimize Your Schedule

Discover what classes are bringing in the most revenue value.

Conversion Success

Track success of your intro offers converting to paid memberships.

Unlock analytics and You'll Be Happy

Get access to your analytics here. We want to share your business insights with you.

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Unleash your business potential with Studioease Analytics

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